The integral process of showing high regard with reverence and respect towards important elements of self or social understanding. It allows individuals and groups to establish a fundamental system of Trust that propagates awe, tribute, honour, dignity and esteem for the ideal qualities supported by the understood and accepted values and virtues. These elements of Veneration are instrumental to establish the logic of honour and the measure of worth. These Venerations in order of priority are:
1. The Natural
2. The Group
3. The Individual
The Natural
To understand Respect in its totality we can consider the inescapable relationship between the lone Individual and Nature in its entirety. Nature is the all natural, the universal, the cosmic itself and all the Laws that constitute it. Nature although bountiful in its existence is pure, raw and wild, devoid of consciousness or willful virtue. Due to its scale and absoluteness, Nature is innately Righteous and superior in stature. To lack Respect for Nature is to lack virtue and the Respect for the preservation of self or group as is made evident when considering the fundamental attributes of Nature such as gravity, radiation and temperature. Nature lays down the architecture of reality that grants existence and affords will. Honour The Natural!
The Group
In respecting nature, we realize that natural existence is not only the inanimate but also the animate and all that constitutes the empires, domains and kingdoms of Life. From these kingdoms we hold our own to be the most valued and worthy. In this kingdom lie all of the animals of nature including mammals and humans and it is incumbent on humanity to value and Respect all its own kin and kingdom’s species and to prioritize the respect of the many or The Group over the few or The Individual. To honour life is to understand and respect the complex relations and natural order of all life’s groups including that of humans, animals, plants, fungus and bacteria. To Respect the Group is to understand and recognize the value and importance of symbiosis, co-achievement and interdependence. Honour The Group!
The Individual
For this veneration to be realized one must first respect the prior. In the venerations of The Natural and The Group it is implied, in parallel, that both seek underlying intrinsic respect for self-existence. To Respect self, is at minimum, to uphold the birth right oath of life that seeks not self-harm, self-sabotage nor self-corruption. This acknowledgement for self-respect affords us the ability to identify it in others. To Respect the Individual is to understand and recognize the importance of identity, will, virtue, and achievement. Honour The Individual!