These Principles are value based propositions that orient reasoning and conduct of the singular and the plural. To have these Principles is to have fundamental assumptions and grounding belief in moral ideals. They are to inspire the will of our social contracts and our textual decrees such as bylaws, policies, guidelines or agreements. Obligations or limitations of liberty established by such decrees will be grounded on conditioning by these Principles. These principles have been written to convey the sentiment and the intent core to our identity and to provide the guidance and model for those that engage in effort on the behalf of our Vision. To hold these Principles is to be bound to our Virtues, Verities and Values in the quest for moral and ethical excellence. Principles have a hierarchy of importance. These Principles in their order of reason are:

Know, Trust & Grow

This principle establishes the value and priority of Knowledge, Trust and Growth and promotes an order for these propositions. From this we can discern that the requirement for Knowledge is principle and paramount above all else. To have Knowledge is to know yourself and the truth. From this Knowledge comes the understanding that constitutes Trust which is second only to Knowledge. Trust provides confidence to act at the cost of failure. It is Trust that affords the privilege of Growth guided by Knowledge. Growth is; self-development, social progress, the advancement of physical and non-physical capacities, iterative improvement, and the appreciation of failure and success. Holding this Principle will ensure that both the singular and plural achieve moral and ethical ideals in understanding, belief and identity.

Be Wise,True & Good

This principle establishes the value and priority of Knowledge, Trust and Growth and promotes an order for these propositions. From this we can discern that the requirement for Knowledge is principle and paramount above all else. To have Knowledge is to know yourself and the truth. From this Knowledge comes the understanding that constitutes Trust which is second only to Knowledge. Trust provides confidence to act at the cost of failure. It is Trust that affords the privilege of Growth guided by Knowledge. Growth is; self-development, social progress, the advancement of physical and non-physical capacities, iterative improvement, and the appreciation of failure and success. Holding this Principle will ensure that both the singular and plural achieve moral and ethical ideals in understanding, belief and identity.

Share, Love & Hope

This Principle establishes the importance and priority of Sharing, Loving and Hoping. These propositions do not have an order and are all considered equal in importance. To share is to belong, to trust in relation and to confidently convey will, knowledge, experience, sentiment, affinity, passion, optimism and duty with others. To practice the virtue of Love is to have interest, affection and passion. Love has the power to provide limitless sentiments of admiration, adoration and caring. The combination of both Love and Sharing has the power to foster deep meaningful relationships. To have Hope one must practice unbridled belief in the ultimate manifestation of the ideal. It is to desire the best. To share hope is to have common cause and to unite in solidarity. This principle ensures community, relation and aspiration.

Be Humble, Just & Brave

This Principle advocates for the values of Humility, Bravery, and Justice. These propositions do not have an order and are all considered equal in importance. Humility is to identify as an entity of little or no importance or significance. This quality recognizes that no more value is possessed than that of others and that universally all entities have value that deserves recognition. To be humble is to respect others and the ideals of Freedom, Equality, Identity, Benevolence and Community. To be Just is to value Truth and Trust and to hold the virtue of Justice. It is to exercise Wisdom, Temperance and respect. Bravery is to embody the virtue of Fortitude. It is to charge into the face of adversity, unfettered so to reach the promise of the ideal and just outcome. To Hold this principle is to be worthy of high regard and honour.

Honour Life & Purpose

This Principle encourages and promotes Honour, Life and Purpose. The propositions of Honour and Life are equal in importance and their order interchangeable as morally required and they should not be superseded by Purpose for any reasoning other than to establish, maintain or enhance Trust. To Honour is to hold a value, ideal or entity in great esteem and high respect. It is through the sentiment and quality of Honour that moral tribute is made. All Life is highly valued both in practice and sentiment. To have life is to have existence and to be afforded the will and freedom to experience it and give it meaning. Life should not be devoid of Purpose as it is through Purpose that Life is given meaning and dignity. To hold this principle is to venerate the values, qualities and purpose of the Natural, the Group, and the Individual.

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