Hello World,
Today marks Principeum’s first anniversary. In the past year and a half, a lot of work has been done to create a new way to fund global-good. The journey has taken us through research and development that has led to a platform that seeks to create a community and marketplace that will generate opportunities for remote service workers and funding for benefactors. In the past year, we have studied how to effectively do this through a unique business model that will be sustainable and transformative for society. Our mission in this first phase is to build our platform and membership so that we can have a strong base on which to build our vision. We are proud to have been able to build the platform in our first year as planned and now look forward to launching the platform and building the membership.
The hope had been to launch the Closed Public Beta Testing today as a way to celebrate our first anniversary. In striving for a great experience on the platform we undertook initiatives over the past month to ensure members will have an easy, safe and positive journey on the platform. As part of this work, our final assessment was focused on connection security to ensure that our platform is safe from outside threats. During this assessment conducted last week, the report’s findings have led us to conclude that we have some work to do before we are ready to launch. This news was hard to process as we had made many efforts to secure the platform in getting it ready for public launch. However, we are happy to address these concerns prior to launch to further guarantee a great experience.
Having said this, we have decided to schedule our Closed Public Beta Testing for July 20th, 2022. This is a more reasonable timeline to address technology, legal, and security concerns. The goal is not to delay the Official Public Beta release on October 20th of 2022. We had created some buffering in our Open Public Beta rollout plan and will instead combine feature releases into the new Open Public Beta at launch. Instead of launching Account features and then Profile and Extended Profile features, we will now roll out all those features together at the same time to maintain the original timeline. These features will be tested in the Closed Public Beta release and therefore we believe they will require less scrutiny from the Open Public Beta members. Due to this delay, we will extend the limited-time offer of the Lifetime Beta Membership which is a premium membership subscription that is free and full of future perks that will be made available to only Beta and Founding Members.
The ability to register for a Closed Beta consideration will now end on July 19th, 2022, at 11:59 PM. As of July 20th, Beta Memberships will be offered by invitation only. If you would like to be considered for the Lifetime Beta Membership visit our Beta page for more details, see the link below. We intend to award as many Beta memberships as possible to the program so please keep applying.
Hope to see you soon.