Hello World,
Last week was a great week for Members as they were able to post content to their profiles for the first time. This week we are taking a break from introducing new features. Instead, we will be doing some important Beta house cleaning. Most of the work that will be happening this week will be behind the scenes. Over the last 4 weeks we have rolled out the majority of the Identity Module’s feature set and before we start rolling out the discovery Module we want to refactor any code for enhanced performance and security. Additionally, we also want to do some A/B testing on the user interface so that we can get to the ideal look and feel. Lastly, we will be debugging a few remaining bugs and any new ones that pop up.
As always, if you notice anything out of place or an action that did not complete please let us know right away via the Beta Feedback Form. We appreciate the effort and participation of the Beta Members who have joined us to date and all those who have registered for consideration for future Beta participation.
If you would like to be considered for the Beta Membership visit our Beta page for more details, see the link below. We intend to award as many Beta memberships as possible into the program so please keep applying.
Hope to see you soon.