Hello World,
Things are heating up on Beta Testing. Last week we covered account creation and authentication. We’ve observed and learned a few things and we are now busy implementing some changes, so Sign Up/Sign In might look a little different in the coming days. This week we are creating Member Profiles. This is the most public portion of membership as most of the Profiles act as public calling cards.
The purpose of this week’s testing and assessment is to ensure Members have an easy time creating their and editing profiles. The profiles need to be clean, professional-looking and have intuitive navigation to allow users to properly represent themselves on the platform. All Members will require at least an Individual profile to participate on the platform and are welcome to set up additional Organizational or Benefactor profiles to meet their needs.
Starting today, Members are now invited to Sign In and create their Profiles. If you notice anything out of place or an action that did not complete please let us know right away via the Beta Feedback Form. We appreciate the effort and participation of the Beta Members that have joined us to date as well as all those who have registered for consideration for future Beta participation.
If you would like to be considered for the Beta Membership visit our Beta page for more details, see the link below. We intend to award as many Beta memberships as possible into the program so please keep applying.
Hope to see you soon.